Hole In The Wall


米国人の9割が車で通勤、公共交通は利用せず 米調査



ポートランドが自転車フレンドリーな都市だとは聞いていましたが、国内最多とは。ところでPalo Alto Onlineには別の記事でチャリ通に関して別の結果が。

With approximately 1,700 Palo Altans -- 5.6 percent of the working population -- choosing two wheels instead of four for their daily work commutes, Palo Alto has almost five times the percentage of bike commuters as that of Santa Clara County as a whole. The city's ratio is 14 times the proportion of bike commuters in the United States, according to U.S. Census Bureau data from 2000.


As I drove up Page Mill Road to Skyline last Sunday morning, I encountered hundreds of bicyclists strung out along the whole 8.5-mile stretch -- a few riding in single file close to the edge of the road, many riding two or three abreast, some in big packs. Most were spread across the whole uphill lane. It was impossible to pass them without going far across the double yellow line.

これは明らかにSequoia Centuryのライダーたちですが、そうだったかなぁ。。。自分の経験だと後ろから車が来た場合、順々に"Car back!"と叫んでみな一列になったはずなんですけどねぇ。批判的に見ると"a few riding in single file close to the edge of the road, many riding two or three abreast, some in big packs. Most were spread across the whole uphill lane"となってしまうんでしょうね。
Share the road!