Hole In The Wall


The Studio Velo KOM Challenge 2011


This next chart lists the teams by the average feet or meters climbed per team rider, this changes the ordering substantially, with Marc Pro - Strava's 19 riders averaging a mighty 457K feet, but the overall numbers once again demonstrate that cycling is team sport. The Alabama riders, with overall men’s champ Brian Toone, chart at 15 for the clubs (19 overall), and in an interesting counterpoint, the Mornington Cycling Group (with women’s champ Patti Whyte) finished a place ahead at 14 with the same number of riders (24). But Patti's team makes this list, which suggests a better balance of riders.

The Studio Velo KOM Challenge: 2011 KOM Challenge Stats

上位はシリコンバレーのチームで独占。まあStravaがSan Franciscoベースなんで当然とも言えるけど、自分の所属したLow Keyも4位に入っている。といってもMarcPro/ThirstyBear/Webcorからも何人もLow Keyに参加してるんで、このチーム分けは在って無いようなものかも。
ちなみにこのKOM Challenge、参加者全員に無料で記念パッチをくれるらしい。


  • 参加賞
  • 100 Kft (30.5 Km)
  • 100 Km
  • 100 Mile (160 Km)

の4種類がある。ということで自分は3番目の100 Km獲得標高のバッジを送ってもらうことに。