Hole In The Wall



Today's snacks
超locally grownのきゅうり(裏庭でなったもの)と、輸入物のバナナ。

We expect bananas to be perfectly curved, sweet and yellow. This is a phenomenon we take for granted, but the process is quite complex. Banana farmers face the threat of fungal disease and hindrances from weather. In order to protect the bananas as they grow, every banana bunch is covered in a plastic bag. For conventional bananas, the bags are implanted with pesticides to fight off insects. Once harvested, cut, processed, washed and packed, the bananas go through a long export process that begins with a 9-11 day trip by boat in specialized refrigerated boxes set at 58 degrees. Once they arrive in the U.S., they are transferred to ripening rooms where the temperature and humidity are slowly raised. Ethanol gas is released to achieve optimum ripeness. All this and they are still less than 99 cents a pound. It is a true example of "man over nature," says Nicole Vitello, Banana Coordinator at Equal Exchange.

Heritage Radio Network: Food for Thought: The Slippery Story of the Banana

全然シンプルじゃない。こんなに手がかかってるのにあの安い単価にするためには生産者が搾取されているってことだよな。locally grownのものを食べるのがやはり理にかなっているけれど、バナナが食べられないのはやはり困る。