Hole In The Wall




Christmas is a magical time of the year. It brings together families, it's cheerful and you eat a lot of food. But sometimes, you can feel a little confused about what you're stuffing in your mouth. There are so many desserts and so many names. For example, how do you tell the difference among all the fruitcakes on the dessert table? Don't fret, we're here to break down the 9 most confusing Christmas foods so you know exactly what's going on this holiday.

What The Heck Am I Eating? 9 Mysterious Christmas Foods Explained

Egg Nogは自作が一番。でもunhealthyなのは同意。
Christmas Pudding、存在とそれが何であるかは知ってたけれど、実物を食べたこと無し。これも試す必要あり?
Stollen/Panetone。偶然それぞれPonsford's PlaceとM.H. Bread & Butterで購入。Ponsford'sのシュトーレンは旨い。味もさることながら、そのテクスチャが最高。硬すぎず、やわらかすぎず、噛むとじわっと崩れる感じ。全粒粉だからかなぁ。そういえばM.H.でクロワッサンも買ったけれど、昨日のはどうも外れだった様子。パリっと感が感じられなかった。クロワッサンで噛んだ食感がムニュッとしたらそれはおかしいよな。