Hole In The Wall



NPRのクラプトンのインタビュー。来週発売になる新譜、"The Breeze"についてなんだけど、このアルバム、クラプトンに影響を与えたJ.J.Caleへのトリビュート。

The Breeze: An Appreciation of J.J. Cale will be released next week. It's an all-star tribute to Clapton's friend, the guitarist and singer-songwriter from Tulsa, Okla. J.J. Cale deeply inspired Clapton and wrote two of his biggest hits, "After Midnight" and "Cocaine."

Eric Clapton And J.J. Cale: Notes On A Friendship : NPR


 I regard him as one of the roots of the tree of American folklore.


 "Cocaine", "After Midnight"は言うに及ばず、確かにいかにクラプトンが影響を受けたかがよく分かる。