Hole In The Wall


Red Hawk誕生秘話。

Mt.Tamと並ぶCowgirl Creameryの代表的なチーズ、Red Hawk。

現在Cowgirl CreameryのチーズはPetalumaで生産されているそうだけれど、このRed Hawkは未だに初期の場所、Point Reyesで作られているらしい。


A batch of Mount Tam was aging in the same room as a batch of cheeses in from England that Cowgirl was selling in their shop, including natural rind cheeses. Natural rind cheeses have been known to have cheese mites and, as Sue recalled, the mites "jumped over" onto the still-developing Mount Tam and starting consuming the Mount Tam's white rind.

"I got very mad!" Sue tells us, explaining that she attempted to reinoculate the cheese by washing the rind off with a brine solution. She threw the cheeses in a tupperware, put them in the walk-in fridge, and forgot about them.

"Two weeks later, we found it... I was afraid to open it!" The cheese had developed a red hue, and, upon opening the container, one heck of a smell. It was delicious.

当時Mt.Tamとイギリスのチーズを同じ部屋で熟成中、イギリスのチーズにいたチーズダニがMt.Tamに乗り移ってしまったらしい。失敗作と思ってタッパーに入れて放置しておいたら2週間後、Red Hawkが出来上がってましたとさ。

このRed Hawk、Point Reyes特有の野生バクテリアによって熟成されるがため、今でもPetalumaには移せないらしい。micro-climateがこんなとこにも影響してるということなんだろう。