Hole In The Wall



= (cuckold)不貞の妻を持つ夫、なんだそうwiktionaryによれば。よくわからんが。

ホワイト・ハウスのウェストウィング、ますますSteve BannonとJared Kushnerの不仲が伝わってくるけれど、BannonがKushnerの事を影で"cuck/globalist"と呼んだらしい。


“Cuckservative,” a portmanteau of “cuckold” and “conservative,” has become a popular insult on the right and is used as a sexually and racially charged version of “RINO,” an acronym for “Republican In Name Only.” On its own the word cuckold means a man whose wife has cheated on him, and was used frequently by William Shakespeare. 


“Globalist” is a term frequently used by nationalist, pro-Trump right-wingers to attack political opponents but the term has been criticised for carrying anti-Semitic undertones. Mr Kushner is Jewish. 




6. By the way, what's happened to Kellyanne Conway?


Lately, she has rarely been seen. Conway appeared on the Christian Broadcasting Network Wednesday (which it billed as an "exclusive"), but just five days ago Vanity Fair wondered whether she was being "edged out" of the White House. 

 えー、それだけは避けて欲しい。Sean Spicerと並んであの逸材が登場しなくなるのはあまりにも残念。