Hole In The Wall




But d'Souza, 51, and other cyclists may pedal with less angst if the Legislature adopts a measure intended to keep motorists at a safe distance from bicycles. Assembly Bill 60, introduced by Pedro Nava, D-Santa Barbara, would prohibit drivers from passing cyclists unless their vehicle stays at least three feet from the bike.


  • 現在も自転車を追い越す場合は"安全な距離"をとる必要があり、3フィートはそれを明確化したものに過ぎず、今までと何ら違いが無い。
  • 対向車と衝突する可能性がある場合は追い越しをかけてはいけない。そもそも現在は2重黄色線の中央左折レーンを使って追い越しをかけることは違法なので、ドライバーからすれば歓迎すべき法案のはず。


Bicyclists make their way up Sand Hill Road in Portola Valley east of Hwy 280 yesterday. New legislation introduced in the State Assembly would mandate motorists to provide a buffer of at least three feet when passing bicyclists on California roads.

昨日のSand Hill Rd.で撮影って、一瞬自分か?と思ってしまった(笑)。