Hole In The Wall



Good news?

We are writing to you with some good news. This year the cost of natural gas has come down dramatically. And since natural gas is used to generate electricity, the cost of supplying electricity to you was less. Therefore, you will get a credit on your upcoming bill.

とあるけれど、別に良いニュースというほどのことはなく、単に余分に徴収しすぎてただけだよなこれは。しかもCalifornia Public Utilities Commissionのプレジデントは"That's a pretty decent Christmas present,"と言っているらしい。クリスマスプレゼントも何も、もともと自分のお金なんだってば。

To ensure that the same thing doesn't happen next year, the commission will lower the amount of money PG&E collects to cover the cost of electricity.

PG&E to issue refunds to customers - SFGate
