Hole In The Wall




In recent years, assisting victims in traffic accidents or other emergency situations has become controversial in China. In an attempt to cover costly medical expenses, several senior citizens, injured in accidents that were their own fault, turned against people who helped them at the scene by suing the good Samaritans for compensation, according to state media.

Outrage in China after toddler run over, ignored - CNN.com


It isn’t ignoring, it’s not daring. If one were to encounter a Nanjing judge, one would be screwed.

[Note: "Nanjing judge" refers to the infamous 2006 case of a man named Peng Yu who helped a woman to the hospital after she had fallen only to have the old woman accuse him of knocking her down. The Nanjing judge in that case ultimately ruled that common sense dictated that only the person who hit her would take her to the hospital, setting a precedent that continues only further discourages and reinforces many Chinese people's wariness to help others in similar situations.]

2-Year-Old Girl Ran Over by Van & Ignored by 18 Bystanders – chinaSMACK

どうも2006年に起きた、"Nanjing Judge"という判例が影響しているらしい。親切心から事故のけが人を助けようとした人がそのけが人本人から訴えられ(え?)、「けが人は事故当事者が病院へ連れて行くもの」という理由のもとに敗訴したもの。まあこの判決自体どうなの、とは思うけれど、今回のビデオに写ってる通行人が一概に「民度が低いから」とは言い切れないのかも。