Hole In The Wall


今日の英語:Ole Miss

= University of Mississippi (ミシシッピ大学)。

University of Mississippi football is riding high these days; they're undefeated and one of the top three teams in the nation.

But as Ole Miss fans come together to root for their team, many other traditions are coming under scrutiny. The school's been engaged in a long-running effort to remove potentially divisive, and racially charged symbols, to try and make the campus more "welcoming."


この"Ole Miss"、"Old Mississippi"と勝手に思ってたんだけれど、

One tradition that's not changing is the university's nickname, "Ole Miss." The phrase was how slaves once addressed the mistress of the plantation. It's ubiquitous on campus, on signs, sweatshirts and in the football cheer.

"Miss"は"mistress"、奴隷制度時代に奴隷が地主の奥さんを呼ぶときに使った言葉なんだそう。このニックネームはどうやら残す様子。うーむ、いいのかそれで。 大学のURLからして"www.olemiss.edu"だし。

これで思い出すのが映画"The Blind Side"(邦題はこんなのなのかw):

しあわせの隠れ場所 [DVD]
ワーナー・ホーム・ビデオ (2010-11-23)
売り上げランキング: 2,234