Hole In The Wall



= 表皮。


Chicharrones - Fried Pork Rinds

何度か既出の4505 Meats。このスナック、奥がお土産用に買ったんだけど、検疫での没収を恐れておいていったもの。 初めポーク風味のチップスかな、ぐらいに思ってたし、

Chicharrones - Fried Pork Rinds


Pork rind is the skin of a pig. It is a common ingredient of sausages, which helps to improve their consistency.

It can also be fried or roasted in pork fat as a snack. The frying renders much of the fat that is attached to the uncooked rind, causing the cooked product to reduce considerably in size. This product may be known by alternative names, such as pork scratchings or pork crackling in the UK, although crackling may also refer to the rind on a roasted pork joint.[1]

Pork rind - Wikipedia

それにしても4505、"gluten free", "humanely raised"のバズワードはいいとして、さらに"Paleo Certified"…。そこまでやるかw。