Hole In The Wall


Willow Glen散歩。

何か花粉症が最悪。やる気レスでローラーもサボり。でもこの陽気につられて午後にWillow Glen downtownを散歩。


Looong like at Icicles

ということでここは避けて、Willow Glen Creameryへ。

Willow Glen Creamery

Ice cream weather

 奥が頼んだBanana flavored Frozen Custard。カスタードを使ったソフトクリーム。すんごい濃厚で旨い。


Unexpected to see Jaco!

 なんとジャコパス!んで、頭を持ち上げて店の名前を見たら"Bruni Jazz Art"。へー、ジャズプレイヤーに特化したギャラリーなんだそう。

The Jazz Masters Series by BRUNI

An explosive experience of color and soul, encompassing over 1,600 original oil Jazz Paintings. Her wildly expressionistic brush captures the very depths of their spirit. One of BRUNI's Duke Ellington Portraits is in the permanent collection of The Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.
Click Here to View

BRUNI Gallery, jazz paintings, jazz art, bruni sablan, Miles Davis Paintings, Musician Paintings, mother teresa paintings, african art, blues musician art
