Hole In The Wall




I decide to put two of my favorites, Golden Russet and Northern Spy, up against a couple of classic pie apples: McIntosh and Cortland.

I also add Granny Smith because, if there’s one ubiquitous, year-round apple, Granny Smith is it. They’re like dandelions: if Granny Smiths weren’t so pervasive, we’d love them!

Ginger Gold — a Golden Delicious cross with Albemarle Pippin — is another variety that’s often available in fall, and a worthy representative of the Delicious family.

McIntoshとGranny Smithは有名、Gingergoldはこの前のりんご狩りで食べたけど、その他は知らない品種。コメ欄を見ても分かる通り、どうも東海岸メインなんでそっちにしか無いのかも。

んで結果、この人の選択だと味ならCortland、テクスチャならGolden Russet、味・テクスチャ両方だとGranny Smith。うーむ結局なんだか…。それにリンゴ自体の熟れ具合とかもあるだろうし。


The last Gingergold apple
