Hole In The Wall



開店したばかりの店舗を先月閉じたPain Bakery。


In repose. I will not be making bread on any regular basis for a bit. I’ve had a lot of moments over the existence of this iteration of this business since 9/1/2015 that will be with me forever, some haunting, some blessing, but all I am in gratitude in having. And for all the people who have been involved in one way or another, I thank you. There is much more to come. Sincerely, Davey


そういえば2nd Story Bakeshopも、

Our new team members had a great time getting to know how much this bakery means to SJ. It was definitely the roughest week I've had as the new owner. 


あのセコイア・キャピタルの営業から転身してベーカリー開店とか…。なんかインスパイアされるな。ちなみに店の名前の"2nd story"、てっきり「二階」かと思ったら、キャリアチェンジして第2幕の始まり、という意味なんだそう。


Closed today

"some change"ってそれのことかな?まあこっちは潰れたわけじゃないんで良いんだけど。



We bought a bakery!!! Please visit us at 2nd Story Bakeshop in downtown San Jose. Website is www.2ndstorybakeshop.com
