Hole In The Wall


'Go Back Where You Came From'



You — and others like you — are not welcome here 



LIMBONG: That's Father Charles Coughlin, an anti-Semitic radio evangelist. Nina Wallace says newspaper owner V.S. McClatchy used to rail on about how Japanese people could never assimilate into American culture.

NINA WALLACE: They never cease being Japanese, you know. No matter how many years, how many generations they've been in this country, they are always something other than American.

LIMBONG: Wallace works at Densho, a Seattle-based oral storytelling project dedicated to Japanese Americans put into camps during World War II. She says exclusionary rhetoric became law once again with the Renunciation Act of 1944, a law aimed at getting Japanese Americans to renounce their U.S. citizenship. 

これは聴いてて堪えた。適応できない日系人、その市民権剥奪という法律はまさに'Go Back Where You Came From'。結局"assimilate into American culture"がポイントなんだけれど、自分の市民権取得の動機もこのあたりが大きい。