Hole In The Wall



= 隔週、又は週に2度。



biweekly (not comparable)

  1. Occurring once every two weeks.
  2. (chiefly Britain) Occurring twice a week (but see the Usage notes).

Usage notes[edit]

Like bimonthly and biennially, but unlike biannually, in the adjective and adverb senses, the prefix bi- applies to the week rather than to the events that occur, therefore giving the sense of “every two weeks”. Since the term is also used in the UK to mean “twice a week”, it is ambiguous there. In British English, for the sake of clarity, it is advisable to use one of the synonyms instead. Furthermore, in some English speaking regions, the term fortnightly is also commonly used to describe an event happening once every two weeks.

biweekly - Wiktionary

 これによると「週に2度」は主にイギリスで使われるようなんで、アメリカ人が今まで知らなかったのはうなずける。"usage notes"にあるように、イギリスでも混乱を招かないように「週に2度」は"twice a week"を推奨。