Hole In The Wall



= 臼。

"brick and mortar"とかに使うモルタル(漆喰)な意味は知ってたけど、「臼」の意味があるのはTIL。"mortar and pestle"で「臼と杵」、「すり鉢とすりこぎ」。


the Japanese model stands out for the grooves inside that break down ingredients, paired with a lightweight wooden pestle that’s easy to wield, allowing them to easily extract flavor from ingredients through clever design, not high-tech gadgetry

The Best Mortar and Pestle Is Japan’s Suribachi and Surikogi - Eater

すり鉢・すりこぎが世界に数ある"mortar and pestle"の中でも完成形なんだそう。Eaterによればw。