Hole In The Wall


今日の英語:just now

= ほんのちょっと前。(= moments ago)

会社で某バグシステムをいじっていて、更新された時間欄の表記に"now"と"just now"があるのに気づいた。自分の感覚だと"just now"=「まさに今!」ということで"right now"とおんなじなんかと思ってたらバグ変更時の時系列がおかしい。


(mini) Irish Brown Soda Bread


About to bake



Mini Irish Brown Soda Bread

Mini Irish Brown Soda Bread

 小さい分ちょっと焼き杉のきらいもあるけれど、こんな感じでいいのではないだろうか。というか本場もん食べたことないんでわからんし。いや、あるかもしれないけどダブリン行った当時はそもそもSoda Breadの存在自体知らなかったんで、朝食に知らずに食べてたかもしれないし。

メイビーダイ (Maybe Die)



Madrid | BicycleFilmFestival


メイビーダイ (Maybe Die) Official Teaser #1 from WALDEN on Vimeo.

"In May 2016 The Roosters, a D.I.Y. fixed gear crew based in Madrid, traveled to Japan and hit the road with no assistance for 22 days in an epic trip from Nigata to Mount Aso. 22 awesome days of knowing crazy great people, sleeping in outdoors random places and eating cheap (but great!) food. 22 days of short cold nights and long hot days, lonely paths, deers, bears and even an erupting volcano!
Also this 22 days and more than 1.400 km were the 22 best days of our lifes.
This movie is all about this 22 days."


Music: A lot of angry kids screaming near Beppu. 


Papua New Guinea Sigri A/X Highlands


Papua New Guinea Sigri A/X Highlands


Tasting Notes: A very surprisingly nice cup that is pretty different from the Estate coffees, one can see the wilder plants and strains really shine. A little lighter bodied than most PNGs it has some fantastic floral/caramel notes and balance. A bit brighter but by no means a high acidity coffee, gives it almost a Central American spin at the lighter roast points. Darker roast points one can see a bit more classic PNG, bakers chocolate and spice will be the darker roast tones with no hint of acidity.

Roasting Notes: Boy we thought this cup really shinned a bit lighter, city plus to full city. A little acidity pokes out but adds a lot of sweetness. The cup holds up nicely darker as well but will burn out the bit of caramel pretty close to 2nd crack.

Papua New Guinea Sigri A/X Highlands

 普通はミディアムからダークローストを推奨するBurman Coffee、この豆は軽めにローストを推奨。なのでそれに従ってシティまでにしたら、いいじゃないですか!テイスティングノートにあるように酸っぱみよりもキャラメル系の味が全面に。酸っぱいコーヒーが好きじゃないんで軽いローストはめったにしないんだけど、これは正解。






TULSA, Okla. — On a particularly windy day in the Crutchfield neighborhood here, the writer S. E. Hinton was touring the renovations of the future Outsiders House museum. The rundown Craftsman bungalow was where the Curtis brothers — Darry, Sodapop and Ponyboy — lived in the 1983 Francis Ford Coppola movie based on Ms. Hinton’s book “The Outsiders.”

The book, which celebrates its 50th anniversary this month, was arguably one of the most influential young adult books of its time

Why ‘The Outsiders’ Lives On: A Teenage Novel Turns 50


In “The Outsiders,” justice comes by way of class warfare between the greasers, a gang of poor teenage boys, and the Socs, the rich kids from the other side of town. What may be most remarkable about the greasers is their ability to show great affection and emotion despite the masculine-dominated cultural norm of the 1960s. In almost every chapter, someone is crying or on the verge of tears.

なんでアメリカ人の心をつかむかというのが多分上に書いてあるところなんだと思う。同じ街に住んでいても社会格差(Socioeconomical Status)でグループ分けされていて、その対立がどこにでも存在しているから。グループの名前付けも貧困グループが"greasers"、裕福チームが"Socs"で明白。

そういえば偶然この前取り上げた"Breaking Away"も正にこのSocioeconomical Statusの対立をテーマにした映画だったなぁ。というか現状のアメリカの二分化ももとを正せばこのあたりに起因するのかも。
