Hole In The Wall



Primary Electionが間近に迫っている。redistrictingについては前も書いたけど、




California's 18th congressional district is a congressional district located in the U.S. state of California. The district is currently represented by Democrat Anna Eshoo. It includes portions of Santa ClaraSan Mateo, and Santa Cruz counties, extending from the southwestern San Francisco Bay Area through the Santa Cruz Mountains to the Pacific coast.

California's 18th congressional district - Wikipedia

今回から2つに分裂。まあ多分前回のセンサスから住民が増えたからだろうな。で、自分の地域は#16という新しい区画に。随分前より小さくなるけど、この地域の現職であるAnna Eshoo議員がいるんで再選の可能性高そう。



= 抑留。

EO 9066による日本・日系人強制収容。英語だと普通"internment"が使われるけど、"incarceration"という表現も同様に使われている。で、こんなの目にした。

AP Stylebookによれば、EO 9066による強制収容は"incarceration"または"detained"を使うのが望ましい、という内容。今まで"internment"と"incarceration"を同義語だと思ってたけど、

1. “Internment” vs. “Incarceration”

What most people don’t realize is that the term “internment” has a very specific meaning. It only refers to the confinement or impounding of “enemy aliens” during a time of war.

“Internment” does not refer to the imprisonment of our own citizens. Of the 120,000 who were imprisoned, about 80,000 were indeed American citizens by birthright, while the other roughly 40,000 were barred from citizenship until the law changed in 1952.

“Incarceration” correctly refers to the imprisonment of all 120,000 Japanese Americans who were affected by Executive Order 9066. This correctly acknowledges that these people were mostly citizens, and does not portray them as “enemy aliens.”

FDR Called Them Concentration Camps: Why Terminology Matters | HuffPost Latest News


In 1942, the United States government ordered more than 110,000 men, women, and children to leave their homes and detained them in remote, military-style camps. Manzanar War Relocation Center was one of ten camps where the US government incarcerated Japanese immigrants ineligible for citizenship and Japanese American citizens during World War II.

Manzanar National Historic Site (U.S. National Park Service)



Misuse of the term "internment"[edit]

The legal term "internment" has been used in regards to the mass incarceration of Japanese Americans. This term, however, derives from international conventions regarding the treatment of enemy nationals during wartime and specifically limits internment to those (noncitizen) enemy nationals who threaten the security of the detaining power. The internment of selected enemy alien belligerents, as opposed to mass incarceration, is legal both under US and international law.[236] UCLA Asian American studies professor Lane Hirabayashi has pointed out that the history of the term internment, to mean the arrest and holding of non-citizens, could only be correctly applied to Issei, Japanese people who were not legal citizens. These people were a minority during Japanese incarceration and thus Roger Daniels, emeritus professor of history at the University of Cincinnati, has concluded that this terminology is wrongfully used by any government that wishes to include groups other than the Issei.[237]

Internment of Japanese Americans - Wikipedia



PhoとHu Tieuの違いアゲイン。




Hủ Tiếu Sa Tế Bò

自分はHu Tieuにして、やっぱり沸き起こる疑問。phoとの違いは?


What is the difference between Hủ Tiếu vs Phở?

The one thing Hủ Tiếu and Phở have in common are noodles, meats, and garnishes. These can all be the same if you choose. However, these two Vietnamese soups use widely different techniques to create their broth.

Phở broth is very simple on its own. Its flavor comes from adding meats, bones, and aromatics to the broth. These ingredients are then poached by the hot soup, releasing their delicious aromas and flavors.

On the other hand, Hủ Tiếu broth has its own flavor. The broth starts with sautéing the aromatics (like alliums, chilies, warm spices) along with meats. Water is slowly added, bring everything to a harmonious simmer.

The one big exception to note is Vietnamese pork broths. These are almost always Hủ Tiếu broths.

Hủ Tiếu Sa Tế Bò (Vietnamese Satay Beef Noodle Soup) – Lao Thai Nam

これによれば違いは麺ではなくて、スープの作り方らしい。phoが基本煮込み汁なのに対し、hu tieuは香料を炒めて、そこに加水していく方法、とある。

まあそれで同味に違いが出るのかはわからないけれど&見た目じゃわからないけど、違いがわかった。今日のは特にSa Teブロスなんで、これはphoではないわな。



Mademoiselle Colette


Looong line

Mademoiselle Colette


Chocolate Tart Individual & Vanilla Choux

Hazelnuts cake

Croissants, plain and almond




Happy Mother's Day to all the moms!