Hole In The Wall



Fender〓 and HP〓 join forces to create memorable television spot!

HP〓 and Fender are proud to announce our newformed working relationship, and this new television spot is just one of the ways we're promoting it. In this ad, a series of young aspiring guitarists are depicted in the act of rockin' out on their Fender〓 gear to Deep Purple's "Smoke on the Water". The ad concludes with the tagline: "Fender relies on HP technology to put guitars in the hands of new players everywhere."

やっぱり"Smoke on the Water"と"Stairway to Heaven"はギター少年にとって永遠に避けて通れない曲なんだろう。いやしかし、それぞれ登場するギター小僧(?)たちが何とも言えなくいいのだ。バンドを組んだ事のある人ならほほえまずにはいられない光景である。