Hole In The Wall


Entries from 2008-06-03 to 1 day

New ごんべえ。

チャリ通でLawrenceとHomesteadの交差点で止まっていて目に入ってきたのが"Gombei"の看板。あれ、これってサンノゼジャパンタウンのごんべえの新しい店舗? ここ、前はCosentino'sというイタリア系スーパーだったんだけれど、Gombeiと韓国系スーパーに変わっ…


Yahoo! Healthより。 Americans have a drinking problem, and not the type you might think. After posting a blog a few weeks ago called "Belt-Busting Beverages," we received hundreds of comments from the Yahoo community claiming they had no i…