Hole In The Wall




But it's not these posers which alerted the Brit media to AQA - it's the fact that the service has identified a significant spike in sex-related questions at 10.48pm. Messages received include "Am I looking hot 2night?" and "Am I going to have sex with the bird next to me?", to which the answers are "Mate you're more than hot. You're sizzling. You're so hot you may well be the cause of global warming" and "If you are confident, friendly and polite you will be able to charm anyone, even the girl next to you", respectively.

イギリスにAQA(Any Question Answered)という携帯のテキストメッセージングサービスがあり、とある番号に質問を送ると、どんな質問にも答えてくれるという物。このサービスのデータによると、午後10時48分に異性関連の質問がピークを迎えるそうである。要はパブでの残り12分(通常11時にパブは閉店する)に賭けるために、AQAに背中を押してもらうんだそうだ。結構ロジカルだなぁ。
しかし元の記事のタイトル"10.48pm is best time to pull women"(10時48分は女性を口説くのに最適な時間)はちょっと違うんじゃないかな?本当は"10.48pm is the time lone men get most desperate"(10時48分は独り者の男性がやけくそになる時間)のほうが正しいんじゃないだろうか?