Hole In The Wall


CEO/Celebrity Cycle-to-work-Challenge


At a press conference at Palm, Inc. headquarters in Sunnyvale, Leadership Group CEO Carl Guardino challenged Silicon Valley CEOs and elected officials to support Bike to Work Day on May 17 by riding their own bikes to work, encouraging their employees to do the same and by hosting a “Celebration Station” at their offices to greet and acknowledge cyclists arriving to work.

写真は昨日行われたプレスリリースに現れたお偉いさん方。真ん中の女性は今年からパロアルトの市長に就任されたYoriko Kishimotoさん。名前からも分かるとおり、日本生まれの日本人です。こうやって日本人がこの地で活躍しているのを見ると励みになります。しかもサイクリストだし。