Hole In The Wall


Cow Tipping

今日はSpecial Event Dinnerの日。ミルピタスはGreat MallにあるDave & Buster'sに行く。ここは基本的にゲーセンである。プリペイドカードをもらってゲームをしようという企画だ。自分を含む何名かは別にゲームに興味がなかったんで、夕食を取りながらだらだらと歓談。そのなかで出身地の話になり、誰かが"cowtippingとかしてたんじゃない?"と質問。それに対して同僚のドイツ人が"cowtippingって何?"と聞くと、周りのアメリカ人は爆笑の渦。もちろん私とドイツ人はキツネにつままれ状態である。

The most commonly told cow tipping story involves a group of college students who got drunk one night, went out to a cow pasture, and teamed up to topple sleeping cows by sneaking up on them and giving them a surprise push. The story is usually told as documentation of the fact that cow tipping really exists. There are also people who swear that cow tipping was a form of recreation on their farm or in their community, although they never personally participated in it.
