Hole In The Wall


Bike To JavaOne


Think Green -- Bike to JavaOne

This year's JavaOne Conference falls during "Bike to Work Week". To support this effort, Sun has partnered with the San Francisco Bike Coalition to offer a free "Bike Valet" service Monday to Thursday from 8:00 a.m.- 7:00 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. in front of the Moscone Center South Hall. If biking isn't possible, Sun suggests public transportation including BART, AC Transit, CalTrain, MUNI, the ferry, among others. JavaOne attendees who support Sun's efforts by biking or taking public transportation will be entered into a drawing for a Lance Armstrong signed Discovery Team bike jersey, other Discovery Bike Team gear, Timbuktu messenger bags, memberships to the Better World Club, the eco-friendly auto club with the nation's only bicycle roadside assistance, and other great prizes.

SF Bicycle Coalitionと組んでJavaOne期間中自転車バレットパーキングを無料で用意してくれるそうです。しかもディスカバリーチームジャージ(それもランス・アームストロングのサイン入り!)やその他諸々の賞品が当たるラッフル付き。
前にモスコーニのど真ん中で自転車盗まれて以来JavaOneに自転車で行くのは躊躇してたんですが、これはありがたい。とりあえず来週のBike-To-Work-Day当日(5/18 Thu.)はカルトレイン併用で自転車で行ってみようと思います。