Hole In The Wall


Carrol Shelby's Chili Kit

ライトウェイトなブリテッシュボディにアメリカンV8を積んだAC Cobra

1964 AC Cobra 289 Roadster

その生みの親、Carrol Shelbyの記事を読む。


17. He had an unreasonably deep love for chili

Urban legend has it that Shelby once almost hit a chef for putting beans in his chili, but his chili passion ran far deeper than that. All those Cobras and Mustangs that say Terlingua on the side? He owned 220,000 acres in West Texas near the town of Terlingua, where he co-founded the world’s first chili cook-off. It still runs to this day, alongside his eponymous chili brand, available nation wide. 



Carrol Shelby's Chili Kit

 Hispanic foodsコーナーにひっそりと。ということでこれでチリ作る。


18. Chili’s the restaurant exists because of Carroll

Larry Levine, the founder of Chili’s, was Carrol’s son-in-law in the early seventies, and had gone to Terlingua’s cook-offs a few times before opening the first of the now-ubiquitous restaurants in Dallas.3 Think about that the next time you’re rolling up fajitas and slurping down a frozen strawberry margarita.




Rustichella d'Abruzzo


French macarons at Safeway


それにしても今日のDe Ceccoパスタ(上のチリキットと写ってるやつ)は安かったな。BOGOで$2.79、なので単価$1.39。もちろん購入。