PetalumaのKeith Giusto Bakery Supply/Central Millingについての紹介記事。
今までの歴史・Keith Giusto Bakery SupplyとCentral Millingの関係が詳しく書いてあることの他に、目新しい発見はといえば、
Keith reports that he just finished a project with Safeway where he developed an organic sweet French baguette alongside the megacorporation’s in-house bakers. Keith had to develop a recipe in four days that would work with Safeway’s equipment and staff, within the high-volume seller’s time constraints.
Safewayのためにフレンチバゲットのレシピを考案。ということは今後SafewayのバゲットはCentral Millingの粉を使ったまともなのが出来上がるということ?
He also works with chefs like Tony Gemignani (San Francisco’s reigning pizzaiolo and winner of the 2016 World Pizza Championships, his 12th time) to create the perfect flour mixture for their needs. As a matter of fact, you can buy a bag of “Tony Gemignani’s California Artisan Type 00” flour blend at Keith Giusto Bakery Supply and challenge Tony at next year’s championships if you’re up for it. But you should probably take a class first …
サンフランシスコの有名なナポリピザ屋オーナー兼世界ピザ選手権チャンピオン(それも12回!)のTony Gemignaniのためにピザ用小麦粉"Tony Gemignani’s California Artisan Type 00"を仕入れているらしい。
Local bakeries that use Central Milling’s flours include Acme, Alvarado Street, Brickmaiden, Della Fattoria, M.H. Bread & Butter and Tartine. You, too, can bake with their exceptional flours and find other baking ingredients by ordering online or stopping by their location at 1120 Holm Rd., Petaluma. Call the store at 707.778.1073 to find out about upcoming classes and workshops.
北カリフォルニアのそうそうたるベーカリーが皆ここから粉を仕入れてるんだよね。"Alvarado Street"ってパン屋は知らなかったなぁ。