Hole In The Wall



この"Banana Girl"のダイエットは凄いぞ。

Known as 'Freelee the Banana Girl' she advocates an extreme, low processed, low-fat, high-carb raw vegan diet.

It's a regime that recently came under fire when fellow Australian Loni Jane Anthony announced she had kept up the diet throughout her pregnancy, insisting that both she and her baby suffered no ill-effects. 

Consuming between 2000 and 5000 calories a day,  Freelee remains ‘raw until four’ - meaning she eats no cooked or heated food whatsoever until 4pm. 

'I eat 51 bananas a day!' Self-proclaimed 'diet guru' says her toned physique is down to the MOUNTAINS of fruit she eats | Mail Online





According to the kosher rules during Passover, matzo dough must not sit out for longer than 18 minutes before being cooked. After 18 minutes, it is said that the dough will begin to ferment and thus leaven, making the crackers unsuitable for the holiday

This Year, Try Making Your Own DIY Matzo for Passover : Bay Area Bites


Also, leaven symbolizes corruption and pride as leaven "puffs up". Eating the "bread of affliction" is both a lesson in humility and an act that enhances the appreciation of freedom.

Matzo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


General Tso's Chicken

アメリカの中華料理屋、それもエセ中華料理屋にかならずあるこのメニュー。日本語にすると「鶏の唐揚げ唐辛子ソース」。"Mongolian Beef"や"Orange Chicken"と並んでアメリカ人に大人気。ところが中国本土では全くと言っていいほど知られていないらしい。そもそもGeneral Tsoって誰?

その疑問を晴らすべく、こんな映画が作られてTribeca Film Festivalでプレミアム上映されるらしい。

The Search for General Tso - Trailer from Wicked Delicate Films on Vimeo.

まあGeneral Tsoが誰なのかはWikipediaで調べればわかるけど、映画はこの料理のオリジンに迫って再現までする様子。ちょっと興味ある。



La PanotiQ


French-inspired bakery-cafes have been a popular addition to nearly every SF neighborhood over the past few years, and this year, a fledgling chain of them is planning to aggressively expand across the Bay Area. La PanotiQ is the brainchild of the Guterman family: father Mikhail and his wife Natalya are the founders and proprietors, while their daughter Maria serves as CEO.


New Bakery-Cafe Chain La PanotiQ to Sweep Bay Area - Coming Attractions - Eater SF 

 それも第一号店は近所のキャンベルに。さらにそこに入るコーヒーはオークランドのBicycle Coffee!

 さすがにオークランドからここまで自転車で配達に来るわけじゃないと思うけれど、近所でBicycle Coffeeの豆が入手できるようになるのは嬉しい。

Smart Tipping

昔"cow tipping"について書いたけど(もう10年も前だw)、昨日サンフランシスコで実際にあった、smartcar tipping。

It's like cow-tipping, but since there aren't many cows in San Francisco, this is the next best option

San Francisco Vandals Flipping Over Smart Cars In the Night - TIME

 詳細は今だ不明らしいけど、一晩で何台もひっくり返すのはオリジナルの"cow tipping"より大変だろうな。