Hole In The Wall


久々Krung Thai。

午後はOaklandのRock Ridge, College Avenueを散策。ここは何度か来たことがあるけれど、とっても個性があって面白い。まあ普通にレストラン・本屋もあるけれど、何故かヘアサロン・古着屋・雑貨屋ばかり。
Midlife Crisis with Alfa Romeo
2時間ほど巡ったあと、夕食は久々タイ料理。San JoseのOriginal Krung Thaiへ。定番のJun Pad Pooをやっぱりスパイシーで頼む。まあスパイシー具合は中に入るタイペッパーの量の違いだけだけどね。奥は今日はMassaman Chicken Curry。ジャガイモ好きにはオススメ。その他トムヤムクンも注文。
Jun Pad Poo
ところ昔から気になっていた"Original" vs "New" Krung Thaiの由来、多分これがファイナルアンサー。

The one on 580 North Winchester, intersecting with Forest Ave. is much better. The owner of that one is the real authentic owner from the start. Basically Krungthai was originally a family owned restaurant, headed and started by the wife with all of her recipes. Later on they parted ways, the wife (who I'd really call the original real Krungthai creator and chef owns the 580 N. Winchester one. The ex-husband started and owns the 642 S. Winchester location which I personally think is kind of the knock-off.

"Original Krung Thai" vs. "New Krung Thai" in SJ? - San Francisco Bay Area - Chowhound
