with Warren McLaren- Poor GM can't do anything right these days. Some ad company had the great idea of a contest where you make your own ad for the Chevy Tahoe. They let you pick the pictures, add the text and music. Grist, Worldchanging and others took a shot at it- hilarity ensued. Hop right over to Total Tactics and try them out. Not all work- it appears there are censors ferreting out the subversives. ::Total Tactics
その何本かを眺めながら、これはものすごく頭のいいCM制作者が故意につっこまれやすく作ったんじゃないだろうかとか思ったり。自分はこの手のSUVに興味ないけれど、いろんなメディアで取り上げられてるし、このキャンペーンのおかげでChevrolet Tahoeがどれかわかるようになったし(笑)。