Hole In The Wall


Optional Referendum


Optional referendum[edit]

Laws already adopted by the state legislature may be vetoed by means of a referendum. This is also known as a "petition referendum" or "people's veto". The process is similar to an initiative as noted above, except that it is an already passed law submitted as a petition to the Attorney General. The proponent, however, must submit the request no more than 90 days after the law in question is enacted (otherwise, it must go through the initiative process, submitted as a proposed amendment). In order to qualify on the ballot, a referendum petition must have the signatures of at least five percent of the number of voters in the previous gubernatorial election. Then if more than 50% of the voters cast "No" on their ballots, the law is repealed.

California ballot proposition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

州知事がサインして法制化された法律でも、規定数の投票者のサインを集めれば後出しでその法律を無効にできる投票を実施することが可能。実は去年、カリフォルニア州でスーパーマーケットなどで使っていたプラスチック袋を禁止する法律が成立して、今年の7月から実施の予定だったんだが*1、袋製造業関係がサインを募ってoptional referendumに持ち込んで待ったをかけた。


