近所のターゲットで。去年も買ったけど、M & Sのクリスマス向け商品をちょっと売ってたりする。なのでこんなのを入手。
上はオーナメント。ロンドン名物3つ。下はビッグベンかな?図柄が楽しいのと、妻が見やすい卓上時計を欲しがってたんで。で、これは実はお菓子の缶。中身はJaffa Cakes、って何?
Jaffa Cakes are a cake introduced by McVitie and Price in the UK in 1927 and named after Jaffa oranges.
なるほどマクビティの商品なのか、でもM & Sも同名だけど商標?
Because McVitie's did not register the name "Jaffa Cakes" as a trademark, other biscuit manufacturers and supermarkets have made similar products under the same name.
The product's classification as a cake or biscuit was part of a VAT tribunal in 1991, with the court finding in McVitie's favour that Jaffa Cakes should be considered cakes and not biscuits for tax purposes.[4]