Hole In The Wall


今日の英語:a leader without followers is just a man taking a walk

= リーダーの進みたい方向にメンバーが従わない状態。

オバマ時代に下院議長を務めた共和党のJohn Boehnerのインタビュー。

彼の書いた自伝についてのインタビューだけれど、その中でtea partyの連中を「ノイズメーカー」認定。

INSKEEP: When you talk about noisemakers, who do you mean? Ted Cruz, Jim Jordan?

BOEHNER: Ted Cruz, Jim Jordan. I can go down a long list of people who are more interested in making noise than they are in doing things on behalf of the country. Sometimes I get the idea that they'd rather tear the whole system down and start over because I've never seen anything that they were for. I know what they're against, but I've never really seen what they're for. 



BOEHNER: Yeah, the 2011 debt crisis was one of those examples. In 2013, there was an effort led by some of the knuckleheads to shut the government down, not pay our bills with regard to the debt ceiling, unless President Obama agreed to get rid of Obamacare. Well, that wasn't going to happen. But now that's where the team got wound up, and a lot of Republicans around the country got wound up. And I had to quickly jump out in front of my team before I was just a man taking a walk. 

 tea partyの連中(= knuckleheads)が全く別方向に向かうので、共和党議長としては賛同できないにもかかわらずそれをリードしなければならなかったと告白。

INSKEEP: There are a lot of people who worked closely with you who have followed that lead, though. Kevin McCarthy, now the House minority leader, voted to object to the election even after the attack on the Capitol.

BOEHNER: Well, they've got a tough job up there trying to govern and trying to manage their troops. Remember; a leader without followers is just a man taking a walk. 

 "a man taking a walk"な状況は現共和党下院議長、Kevin McCarthyにも当てはまるという弁。まあそうだよな、普通の感覚だったらMarjorie Taylor Greeneとかと意見合わないよな。