Hole In The Wall


今日のスペイン語:Lucha Libre

= (メキシコ版)プロレス。


In a fitting roundabout, after decades helping to preserve the culture of Lucha Libre wrestling, it was Lucha Libre that came to his rescue. Ramirez hatched a plan to get his Mexico-based mask maker to make PPE versions of pro Lucha Libre masks. He started selling them on his website lucha-masks.com. The masks had all the authentic flamboyance of the official wrestling masks, only cut down to cover mouth and nose. They were a hit. Once again Ramirez was back in the ring. 

How Lucha Libre Saved a South Bay School – NBC Bay Area

プロレスは疎いのだけど、メキシコではとっても人気のスポーツ、しかもレスラーは覆面・コスチュームも派手なのが特徴なんだそう。で、サンノゼでLucha Libreの教室を開いていたラミレスさん、ご多分に漏れずパンデミックで店を畳まざるをえなくなる。しかしそのLucha Libreがこの事態を救ってくれることに。覆面をモチーフにマスクを売り出したら大ヒット。そのおかげで教室を再開。


Kento Miyahara 宮原 健斗
