Hole In The Wall


今日の英語:Food Gentrification

= エスニック料理のappropriation。背景や文化抜きで高級化していくこと。


今日の英語:gentrification = 住宅地がどんどん高級化していくこと。

ハロウィンその1 - Hole In The Wall


この記事は興味深い。オークランドのメキシコ料理、Calaveraというレストランについての記事なんだけどボロクソ。料理自体のクオリティについては言うも及ばず、メキシコ料理をfood gentrificationした過程が興味深い。

Flor Crisostomo, a Zapotec from Oaxaca, was part of the original crew. She was excited to work at a restaurant that promised to highlight aspects of her roots. She liked the restaurant’s focus on mezcal, its use of chapulines and the in-house nixtamalization — soaking and cooking in an alkali bath — of corn for tortillas. The owners even purchased a stone molino (mill) to grind the alkalized corn. 

But there was a problem, she said: They didn’t know how to use it. 

Crisostomo did. So, she said, she showed them how to grind corn; how to maintain and sharpen the stone. A prep cook, she said she found herself teaching the chefs how to execute techniques that she’d grown up with, even contributing family recipes to the menu.


On a brunch-time visit to Calavera, I saw a table of women toasting with $15 June in Tulum cocktails and eating tacos with their forks, scooping up the saucy proteins and leaving behind the stained, limp tortillas. As I studied the brunch crowd, I was nagged by a central question: Who is this restaurant for?



それはそうとして、このCalavera、ダウンタウンからアップタウンになったオークランドのThe Hiveにあるらしい。

Oakland Hive


The neighborhood where Calavera opened seven years ago, Uptown Oakland, is the result of a transformation set in motion more than 20 years ago by former Mayor Jerry Brown. Brown’s 10K Plan aimed to draw 10,000 residents to the city’s downtown area by 2001. Some referred to it as “Jerryfication.” 

