Hole In The Wall


今日の英語:boots on the ground

= 実地で作業に当たる人。

今日は一日嵐の予報。既に風がひどい。で、ニュースで「8000人が"boots on the ground"」と言ってたんだけど、


boots on the ground pl (plural only)

  1. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see bootsonground. quotations ▼
  2. (military, metonymically) The ground forces actually fighting in a war or conflict, rather than troops not engaged or other military action such as air strikes.
    The Pentagon may say we have enough, but that's not what I'm hearing from the boots on the ground.
    1. The military policy of using ground forces. quotations ▼
  3. (by extension) Personnel operating in an area of interest.

boots on the ground - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
