Hole In The Wall




 この辺りのCostcoに仕入れているCentral Milling Companyの粉。Tartineの田舎パンもこの粉を使っているというclaimがある。今まではKing Arthur FlourのBread Flourを使ってきたけれど、違いが気になるところ。どーんと25ポンド購入。



ooo 後記 ooo

Central MillingのKeith Giustoのインタビューを見つけたので貼っておく。

基本に戻ってTartineのBasic Country Loaf。


  • "Extended" Autolyse: 7時間。
  • 2次発酵は冷蔵庫で16時間。そのうち2時間は冷蔵庫から出して室内で。

 若干表面近くに大穴があるものの、いつもより"oven spring"が良かったと思う。特に"ear"がしっかり立ったのはちょっと嬉しい。まあまだ要修行だけど。鼻水スターターも問題ない様子。



Hipsters Love Coffee


前にこの手のやつで"Shit Cyclists Say"というのを載せたけど、それと同じようにヒアリング練習してみる。

Barista: A lot of people think being a barista at the coffee shop is easy. Well, it's not. A lot of our customers have very strange and interesting requests.

A: Yeah, can I get a double upside down mocha macchiato with soy low-fat no-fat no-lead. Can you make it taste like Christmas too? Thank you.

B: Hi, can I get a regular coffee and free pass to hang out here all day?

C: Can I get a single origin fair trade blend? Every time you buy a cup, a kid in Uganda gets a free latte. Or is it Ooganda?

D: Yeah yeah, can you misspell my name on one of those paper cups so I can complain about it on Facebook? Thanks.

B: Hey, what's your WiFi password?

D: Not even close. Oh boy!

E: I'll take a fresh Colombian. Colombian: Her hands are so soft! E: Quality beans!

F: Can I get the usual? (Splash!)

G: I asked for no-foam. Does this look like no-foam to you?

C: I told him I didn't need a cup. I am trying to save the environment. AAAAAARGHHHH!

G: It's an aged Sumatra roast and comes in a ---. Very relaxing.

H: Can I get an Americano? I'm writing a novel.

G: I am writing a pilot.

B: I'm a writer.

I: I'm a writer.

B: Hi, you guys are out of outlets this doesn't go anything else.

D: That really is a perfect cup of coffee. They ground the beans between two teenageers at the high school dance.

H: Excuse me, can I get some sugar?

C: Some pure cane sugar?

D: Some microcane sugar?

J(Englishman): What if I told you that I want a tea? Could you do that for me?

D: I only drink artisanal lattes. This one is Monalisa, This is an impressionist portrait of me. Ooh, one of my faves. It's a magic eye puzzle. You guys get to close your eyes to see the image. Yeah, looks like a Centaur wearing a sombrero.

J: It's too hot! I don't want it this hot. Don't do it!

K: It's so caffenated that when I drink it, I unlock the misteries. Life!

D: Yeah, you guys are out of skimmed milk, almond milk, and breast milk. What are we supposed to do?

B: Do you guys offer refills? Like more coffee for free?

H: That is a really acidic blend! Whoo!

C: Can I just get hot water poured over my grandmother's ashes? Mmm, memories!

G: Yeah, there is one secret to a good cup of coffee. The slower the drip, the richer the flavor. Oh that's good coffee!

Ls: Hi, can we get pumpkin spice lattes? Hahaha, alright! M: I'll have one, too.

Barista: Yeah, I think they'll serve those across the street. I want you to get the hell out of here.

Nacho- PUNCH! 




この"Banana Girl"のダイエットは凄いぞ。

Known as 'Freelee the Banana Girl' she advocates an extreme, low processed, low-fat, high-carb raw vegan diet.

It's a regime that recently came under fire when fellow Australian Loni Jane Anthony announced she had kept up the diet throughout her pregnancy, insisting that both she and her baby suffered no ill-effects. 

Consuming between 2000 and 5000 calories a day,  Freelee remains ‘raw until four’ - meaning she eats no cooked or heated food whatsoever until 4pm. 

'I eat 51 bananas a day!' Self-proclaimed 'diet guru' says her toned physique is down to the MOUNTAINS of fruit she eats | Mail Online

