Hole In The Wall






But the fairytale ending has been suspended — for now, at least.

"I received word that there was a dispute between the estate and Monk's previous label," Scher said during a phone conversation on Monday, July 27. So the release has been taken off of the schedule indefinitely "due to circumstances beyond the label's control," according to a statement by Impulse! Records. Co-producer Feldman was unable to provide any further information at this time.

"They're not saying it's delayed. They're saying we'll let you know if it's being released, not when," Scher said. "I've held onto this recording for 50 years. So I can hold onto it for another two or three decades."

When jazz royalty came to Paly: Monk's long-lost record (nearly) goes public | News | Palo Alto Online |

 お蔵入りの危機😞 もうね、欲の皮の突っ張り合いは止めて欲しいよ全く…。
