Hole In The Wall





But since the 1980s, some scientists and music scholars have claimed that the swing feel is actually created by tiny timing deviations between different musicians playing different types of instruments. To test this theory, Geisel and his colleagues took jazz recordings and used a computer to manipulate the timing of the soloist with respect to the rhythm section.

Scientists unravel secret of swing in jazz : Shots - Health News : NPR

タイトルにある、「科学者がSwingの秘密を明らかに」はちと釣りっぽいw。昔から音符の「タメ」がSwingの要因だと言われてたはず。渋い声のChristian McBrideもSwingを、

There's one defining component of swing that's easy to hear, and it has to do with how eighth notes are played. Instead of playing them straight, in jazz these notes are swung, meaning the downbeats — or every other eighth note — is played just a little longer, while the offbeat notes in between are shortened, creating a galloping rhythm
