Hole In The Wall




NBC BayAreaで署名不一致に関するサンタクララカウンティのレポートが。


In Santa Clara County, ballots are verified manually by 17 members of election staff.

When ballots arrive at the Registrar of Voters Office in San Jose, they are sorted and photos are taken of every signature on each envelope.

A staff member then compares the signature images with what the voter has on file, from registering to vote, the DMV, and other public records.

If staff discovers an inconsistency, the ballot is then sent to election staff who’ve received  forensic signature verification training.

That team carefully examines the signature’s loops, dots, dashes and slants.


Signatures that don't match are then sent to election supervisors who decide whether or not to send a letter to the voter asking for a second signature, to verify the ballot. So far, the county has sent out 266 letters to people who’ve already voted.

 自分も送った"Signature Verification Form"を返送してチェック、という流れ。これによれば自分はその266人の中の一人らしい😞

でもなぁ、この"forensic signature verification training"というやつ、日本語のサインに対応してるのか甚だ疑問。ここに詳しいレポートあるけど、

