Hole In The Wall


今日の英語:residential school

= 寄宿学校。

「寄宿学校」というとボーディング・スクール(boarding school)が思い浮かぶけど、"residential school"という同義語もある。



In Canada, the Indian residential school system[nb 1] was a network of boarding schools for Indigenous peoples.[nb 2] The network was funded by the Canadian government's Department of Indian Affairs and administered by Christian churches. The school system was created to remove Indigenous children from the influence of their own culture and assimilate them into the dominant European-Canadian culture, "to kill the Indian in the child."[3][4][5]:42

Canadian Indian residential school system - Wikipedia


Native American boarding schools, also known as Indian Residential Schools, were established in the United States during the early 19th and mid 20th centuries with a primary objective of "civilizing" or assimilating Native American children and youth into Euro-American culture, while destroying and vilifying Native American culture.[1]

American Indian boarding schools - Wikipedia
