昨夜うとうとしながら聴いてたのがKQEDのradio specials。流れてたのがこれ、
Personal & Global Conflict
Amanda Ripley was a kid who sat on the steps listening to her parents fight. As an adult, she had studied conflict in Palestine, Columbia, Northern Ireland and across the US. Her conclusions on how we get entrenched and how to set ourselves free are invaluable and right on time.
Finding Meaning - Personal & Global Conflict — kellycorrigan
When we are baffled by the insanity of the “other side”—in our politics, at work, or at home—it’s because we aren’t seeing how the conflict itself has taken over.
That’s what “high conflict” does. It’s the invisible hand of our time. And it’s different from the useful friction of healthy conflict. That’s good conflict, and it’s a necessary force that pushes us to be better people.
を出版したAmanda Ripleyという著者のインタビュー。"High Conflict"という、現代を象徴するような2極化の争いについて説明した本だけれど、インタビューのいたる所が興味深い内容。これは読んでみたいかも。