Hole In The Wall


今日の英語:Sanctuary city

= (移民の)聖域都市。Wikipediaだと、

A sanctuary city is a city in the United States or Canada that has adopted a policy of protecting illegal immigrants by not prosecuting them solely for violating federal immigration laws in the country in which they are now illegally living. Such a policy can be set out expressly in a law (de jure) or observed only in practice (de facto). The term applies generally to cities that do not use municipal funds or resources to enforce national immigration laws, and usually forbid police or municipal employees to inquire about a person's immigration status. The designation has no precise legal meaning.[1]

Sanctuary city - Wikipedia


THIRD, cancel all federal funding to Sanctuary Cities

というのがあるから。実はここサンノゼもSanctuary Cityの一つ*1。これに対抗してすかさずサム・リカルド市長が市民に向けて、

We Will Not Allow Our Police To Be Used for Federal Immigration Enforcement
 Changes to immigration laws and enforcement remain within the province of federal policy makers. However, the police chiefs of most major U.S. cities — including our own — agree that local police should not involve themselves in federal immigration enforcement; doing so undermines public safety, by discouraging critically-needed cooperation in diverse communities. Consider, for example, how fear of apprehension or deportation could undermine our efforts to ensure reliable reporting of fires or medical emergencies, provision of witness statements, reporting of victimization, tipping about pending gang violence, or testimony in court. Moreover, our sparsely-staffed police must focus their scarce time on violent, predatory, and other high-priority crimes. We will continue to follow the best practices of local law enforcement professionals nationally by staying out of immigration enforcement. 



San Jose is not officially a sanctuary city, meaning the council has never voted on a resolution to declare it as such.

Bay Area 'Sanctuary Cities' Could Lose More Than $1 Billion, Experts Say Move is Unconstitutional | NBC Bay Area