Hole In The Wall






In addition to living in cramped quarters, he says inmates had to sing songs praising Chinese leader Xi Jinping before being allowed to eat.

He says detainees were forced to memorize a list of what he calls "126 lies" about religion: "Religion is opium, religion is bad, you must believe in no religion, you must believe in the Communist Party," he remembers. "Only [the] Communist Party could lead you the to the bright future." 

食事の前は習近平を称える歌を歌わされ、「126のウソ」を暗唱させられたんだそう。 「宗教はアヘン、悪者、信じてはならない。共産党を信仰しろ。明るい未来は共産党だけが実現できる」


"They made me wear what they called 'iron clothes,' a suit made of metal that weighed over 50 pounds," says Samarkand, drawing a picture of the device on a piece of paper. "It forced my arms and legs into an outstretched position. I couldn't move at all, and my back was in terrible pain." 


"Later, they told me that attempting suicide would lengthen my detention by seven years. I began to cry. I sobbed. That changed their minds, and they decided to release me." 



"People were talking loudly in the next room over," says Samarkand. "There were three Chinese businessmen, all oil company employees. I can't explain it, but I snapped. I wanted to hurt them because they were Chinese. I was so angry. I entered their room and I beat them up."

When the Kazakh police arrived, Samarkand says they arrested him.

He says the police told him they were charging him with assaulting foreigners.

Samarkand says he reached into his pocket, withdrew his Chinese passport and threw it at the officers, telling them: "I'm a foreigner, too." 

