Kosher saltについては前に目鱗だったことを書いた。
んで、今日キッチンに登場した新しいCeltic Sea Salt。
"Kosher Certified"と銘打ってある。えと、前得た知見だとKosherに則った肉の処理に使うための粗塩、だったはず。「認定」とか関係ないだろ、と思って調べた。
What exactly is “kosher salt”? Technically, the word "kosher" has two different meanings with respect to salt. It can mean either Kosher-certified salt, or kosher-style flake salt. Here’s how to determine which you’ll need and what the differences are.
Kosher-certified salt, commonly referred to as "kosher salt," means that salt has met the guidelines of kosher outlined by Jewish law, and upheld by kosher certification agencies and members of the Jewish faith. The certification ensures that the product is produced and handled in accordance with these high standards, and is suitable for consumption for those following a kosher diet.
んー、このサイトによればいわゆる粗塩を"kosher-style salt"として、"kosher salt"は"certified"ものを指すように仕向けている。Wikipediaだと、
Coarse edible salt is a kitchen staple, but its name varies widely in various cultures and countries. The term kosher salt gained common usage in North America and refers to its use in the Jewish religious practice of dry brining meats, known as kashering, and not to the salt itself being manufactured under any religious guidelines. Some brands further identify kosher-certified salt as being approved by a religious body.[6]
やはり"kosher salt"の主たる意味は粗塩。なんとなくこの"Certified"、メーカーが消費者を混乱に陥れて謎の格付けをしているだけのような気がする。ちなみに前者はとある塩メーカーのサイトだし。宣伝(洗脳?)の香りぷんぷん。