Hole In The Wall


The Other California

ウトウトしながら聴いていたKQED。California ReportのコラムでNPR系のKVPRという局の"The Other California"というポッドキャストを紹介。

12:30 AM – 1:00 AM

The California Report Magazine

'The Other California'

To a lot of people outside our state, California is one of two places: Los Angeles or San Francisco. Hollywood or high tech. The beaches or the redwoods. And frankly, to a lot of Californians who live here, there’s a vast part of our state that people consider “drive-through” country: the San Joaquin Valley, which stretches from the Sierra Nevada to the Coastal range, from Stockton to Bakersfield. It’s a place that – culturally, politically and geographically – could almost be its own state. It’s “The Other California.” That’s the name of a new podcast from our friends at KVPR that explores the richness of this region. Each episode takes listeners on a journey to visit a different small town. We’ll hear excerpts from the podcast, and chat with host Alice Daniel and reporter Kathleen Schock.

カリフォルニア、というと普通LA/Hollywoodか、SF/Silicon Valleyに集約されがちだけれど、その中間にある膨大なSan Joaquin Valleyの忘れられがちな地域にスポットを当てるシリーズ。

The podcast begins with Daniel’s own valley origin story and an interview with the late Haslam himself – he died last year at the age of 84 – where he explains what he means by “The Other California.” In the episodes that follow, listeners will visit six towns in six different counties: Woodlake, Chowchilla, Avenal, Taft, Huron, and Livingston.

KVPR launches ‘The Other California’ podcast


で、それが終わって次のプログラム、Science Fridayが始まったんだけど、


How Recreational Weed Transformed A Small California Town

From the outside, Jose Rivas’s gray, one-story office building seems just as unassuming as Woodlake, the small Tulare County City where it’s located. But once you’ve been escorted inside the wrought iron gate and checked in at the security desk, you’ll see a chemistry lab of so many potheads’ dreams: bubbling evaporators, storage tanks of liquid nitrogen, and trays and trays of drying marijuana buds.

Medical And Recreational Cannabis, Ocean Viruses, The Sound of Wi-Fi. June 3, 2022, Part 2 | Science Friday | WNYC Studios

 カリフォルニアの小さな町で嗜好用マリファナがいかに街を豊かにしたか、というコラム。前述のThe Other Californiaにも出てきたこのWoodlakeという街、今まで聞いたことなかったけれど、それぞれのコラムで全く違う紹介をされていて面白い。