Hole In The Wall


Bánh Mì Bus

今朝のKQED, California Reportで知る。


SFO and LAX may be the largest airports in California, but two strip malls, one in East San José and another in Westminster, have also become transportation hubs, connecting the two largest Vietnamese communities outside Vietnam.

From San José to Little Saigon, on the Bánh Mì Bus | KQED

ベトナム国外で最大のベトナムタウンの2つ、東サンノゼとオレンジカウンティのWestminster。その2地域を往復する「バン・ミー バス」と呼ばれるバスがあるらしい。

Most major stops are near at least one shop selling bánh mì, the iconic Vietnamese sandwich: a baguette filled with grilled meat, cold cuts or pâté, pickled vegetables, herbs, chilis and proprietary seasonings. Before COVID, the on-bus service included a free bánh mì from a nearby shop. That’s how the line got its nickname: the bánh mì bus. Now, passengers bring their own food.


一度乗ってみたい気もするけれど、ちと勇気がいるかも。しかしグーグルで"Bánh Mì Bus"をサーチすると一番にこの会社が出るのはさすが。