Hole In The Wall


2nd Story Bakeshop、名実ともに終焉。

そういえば2nd Storyのブースを覗いたら、

Name changed


 Hi There! 2nd Story Bakeshop is in transition. Our sign out front still says 2nd Story Bakeshop and we are committed to providing the same quality baked goods as before...we are simply expanding our offerings...and changing our name. Stop by the shop to see what we're up to...pick up some breakfast for yourself, family or the office...pick up a loaf of our amazing sourdough bread too...it is quickly becoming a bay area favorite. 

Meteora Bakehouse

 まあ、"2nd Story Bakeshop"は前オーナーの肝いり名称だからな、悲しいけど名前変更はしょうがないかも。それよりも引き続きサンノゼで美味しいパンを提供してくれることを期待。

MB is hiring

 Manresa Breadも発展中。