Hole In The Wall




それはそうと、今日も3時から計画停電予報。ただし、PG&Eが新しくRolling Blackout予想地図を発表。

The group numbers below represent the order in which PG&E will be ordered to turn off power by CAISO if outages are needed. Estimated restoration times are 2-3 hours after the outage actually starts. The situation remains dynamic and shutoff times may change. Check back at this page frequently for updates.

How will I know if my power will go out?


んで、早速自分の住所を入れて調べると、"Block 50"。えと予定表に載ってないんですが。というか前回も調べたけど、この50、ローテーションから外れている様子。

Vast swaths of the Bay Area fall under "Outage Block 50," which will not be seeing their power go off — this includes much of San Francisco and Oakland, and as far north as Santa Rosa. Enter your address here to see whether you fall in this "50" block, and if so, you're all good. (PG&E may be avoiding shutting off power in dense urban areas as much as possible for safety reasons.)

これ、地図調べてもわかるけど、結構な範囲がBlock 50に割り振られている。これってかなり不公平な気がする。